Sunday, October 12, 2008

Competition 2 and Answers

Hello! This is competition 2. Lets see who got correct: NOBODY! -_-. Well, here are the anwers.

School, WALK, Girl/Lady,Boy/man,teacher, library.

I love my family. I want to eat mee soto.

All of the people who participated had only one word wrong: Walk. Oh well, here is competition 2!


Selamat tinggal,Sama-sama,Murid-murid,Selamat datang,Kawan-kawan,Padang Sekolah.

Saya hendak pergi ke perpustakaan. Saya membaca buku cerita.


That is competition 2. Hope better progress will be made! Please submit by November 8. Thanks!!! [PS: I'll drop some hints sometimes in the comments, so watch out for them!!]

Class 3.4 Malay Blog Maker,

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Competition 1

Instructions: Find out what the words or sentences mean, then submit in the comments. Winners will be announced on next post and competition 2. Answers will also be posted. This weeks competion shall be easy.
Please do not hesitate to complain if you haven't learnt. Thank you.
Ready, set, GO!
Sekolah, Jalan, Perempuan, Lelaki, Cikgu, Perpustakaan.

Saya sayang keluarga saya. Saya hendak makan mee soto.
That shall be Competition 1. Please post answers by September 30. Thank you!!
Competition and malay blog maker for Class 3.4,